We get requests all the time from our partners about branding opportunities for both the partner and the end user. While there are many options that are already possible, like putting a logo as a background of a device, we have added a new option in our Centralized Portal also known as our Unified Management and Provisioning Platform.
Custom Logo At The Partner & End User Levels
You can choose to have your logo for yourself and all of your downstream customers or if you want you can put a different logo in at the account level if you would rather have your customer see their own.
Custom Color Scheme & Favicon
You can import a CSS file and .ico or Favicon file as well that you want presented when someone logs into the portal. Again, this can be done at the account level.
What hundreds of IT and MSPs have discovered is that BVoIP is a resource that can help better serve their clients and staff. BVoIP has numerous apps that help automate and streamline day-to-day interactions with prospects, customers, and vendors. BVoIP also allows IT & MSPs streamline their technology offering by included Unified Communications-as-a-Service into their stack.