We are proud to introduce integration with Brightgauge. Brightgauge is meant to automate and streamline business reporting and real time analytics for IT and technology based organizations. This tool enables business owners, managers, and decision makers the ability to quickly generate meaningful organization reports as well as real time dashboard insight BrightGaugefrom several sources. BVoIP has bridged the gap between the phone system and this data analytics platform to streamline the ability to see what is really going on and save you time which in turn saves you money!

Features and Benefits

BVoIP has built integration to Brightgauge. Utilizing Brightgauge’s Microsoft SQL Agent we are able to safely export call data from the Cloud PBX database into Brightgauge which is then accessible via any commercially available web browser (Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari).

Key BVoIP Integration Features:

  • Automatically export data from the Cloud PBX database into Microsoft SQL or SQL express.
  • Automatically import that data in Brightgauge’s platform.
  • You can query the call data in Brightgauge to build custom reports.
  • We have worked with Brightgauge to template the following gauges
    • Total calls volume for 1 Hour, 24 hours, 7 Days, 30 Days, 3 Months
    • Total answered calls for 1 Hour, 24 hours, 7 Days, 30 Days, 3 Months
    • Missed calls for 1 Hour, 24 hours, 7 Days, 30 Days, 3 Months
    • Outbound calls for 1 Hour, 24 hours, 7 Days, 30 Days, 3 Months
    • Call breakout by designated queues (example: sales, priority support, help desk, etc)
    • Calls completed (or not completed) within designated SLA.
    • And more to come…

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