Boost Your Communications Power With a Softphone Solution

So you’ve finally had it with a legacy phone system that’s given you nothing but limited features, bloated monthly bills and bulky hardware to maintain and repair. You are ready for an IP-PBX system that can save you money, enhance collaboration and boost your productivity.

On the flipside, you don’t want to get rid of your current customer relationship management (CRM) solution because it’s still effective and your contact center agents are comfortable using it. And the money and convenience you’ll gain from a new phone system will fly right out the window if you have to expend resources to implement an entirely new CRM, including training your call center agents on it. You are, it seems, caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

But what if you could integrate your current CRM with best-in-class software-based PBX? As it so happens, with our3CX Phone System Pro and CRM Integration Module, you can do exactly that. Whether you use Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Sugar CRM or another solution to manage customer information, you can connect your current CRM solution seamlessly to your new 3CX IP-PBX system using the module. Once you’ve made that connection, you can quickly take advantage of unified communications (UC) features and a lower monthly telecom bill.

3CX Phone System Pro also offers numerous contact center features in addition to the UC business features that come standard with 3CX Phone System for Windows, including:

  • Allow your customers to hang up and keep their position in the queue while waiting to be called back
  • Monitor the status of queues by seeing how many callers are in them
  • Log staff in and out of queues
  • Produce reports that allow managers to easily view a wide array of call center agent metrics
  • Screen calls by listening in without your employee or customer knowing about it with “Listen In”
  • Relate important information to your employee during a call with “Listen In & Whisper”
  • Assist both your employee and customer by joining a call with “Barge In”

Are you ready to get started? Contact us for more info!