Enterprise Portal

The 1Stream Enterprise Portal

This article will provide a walkthrough of what is available in the Enterprise portal for enterprise level users for the 1Stream platform.

Enterprise level 1Stream users will have access to the Enterprise portal. This portal is separate from the 1Stream platform portal and boasts more robust features such as custom statuses and reporting 

1Stream Level Feature Notice

This feature is available for only Enterprise level 1Stream users and up. If you would like this feature to be available, then please reach out to your bvoip Sales Representative to upgrade user licensing. 

Enterprise Portal Merger Notice 

As of November 2022, most clients have had their legacy Enterprise portal merged into the 1Stream portal. If you have become a client post-cutover and have an Enterprise license, you would use these features in the 1Stream portal. 

Higher Level Access

The users that have access to the Enterprise portal have access to even more data at their finger tips. To create, modify or remove user accesses to this portal, please see the below article: 

Updated Wallboard

The updated wallboard in the Enterprise portal is a cleaner, easy to read board that tracks call agent status, active call times and stats, along with SLAs and wait times. 

Additionally, the wallboard in the Enterprise portal also has a filters that can be added to sort through select extensions and call queues. 

Supervisor Dashboard

The Supervisor Dashboard will also provide a form of wallboard that reflects all call agents and their status as well as call queue stats. 

Additional Reports

The Enterprise portal also boasts more reports than what are found in the bvoip phone system and the regular 1Stream portal.