Management and Provisioning Platform
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Deleting Devices in the Managed Provisioning Portal

This article will provide a walkthrough on how to delete phone devices in the Managed Provisioning Portal.

Zero Touch Made Easier

bvoip now has integrated the Managed Provisioning Portal to provision and manage devices without going into two portals! For more information on this, please see our Activating the MPP Integration article

Deleting Devices in the Managed Provisioning Portal

Devices are now automatically removed when a device is deleted from the bvoip phone system at the extension level. 

  1. Log into the bvoip Portal. 
  2. Click into the eyeball icon on the far right to the name of your phone system.
  3. Go to the Extensions section.
  4. Click on the Extensions subsection.
  5. Click on the Edit button next to the extension that the device is being applied to. Click the Add button to create an extension that the device will be applied to. 
  6. Go to the Phone Provisioning tab.PhoneProvisioning1-MTP
  7. Select the Phone Model to be removed. (If there are multiple devices listed.)
  8. Click on the Delete Phone Device button. deletedevice1
  9. Click the Save button. 

The phone will then be removed from the Managed Provisioning Portal.