Call and Contact Association
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  2. 1Stream Client
  3. Call and Contact Association

Adding Contacts in 1Stream

This article will provide a walkthrough on the methods of adding contacts using the 1Stream application.

1Stream Level Feature Notice

This feature is available for only View level 1Stream users and up. If you would like this feature to be available, then please reach out to your bvoip Sales Representative to upgrade user licensing. 

Syncing Contacts vs. Adding Contacts

Contacts can be added in two different methods, via a sync from the CRM by an Admin or within the 1Stream client by an End User.

When using either method, the contacts will update in the other end. Syncing contacts in the CRM can require a manual sync of large amounts of contacts whereas contacts that are built out in the 1Stream client by your end users can update in multiple CRMs simultaneously.

For information on how to sync contacts from the CRM, please see our Syncing CRM Contacts in 1Stream article

Functionality Notice

Contacts can  be added directly into 1Stream during or after calls. 

Adding a New Contact in 1Stream

The system will recognize that the phone number in question does not line up to an existing contact. You should see the following screen:


  1. Click the Add New Contact button. The Add New Contact pop-up will appear.
  2. In the Company Lookup field, type in the company that the contact is tied to. A drop-down menu will appear of related companies that match the company name being typed.
  3. Click the box next to the company that the contact is tied to. 
  4. Click the Select button. The pop-up will refresh to have the contact information added. 
  5. Fill out the contact information fields.
  6. Click the Add button.

1Stream will then refresh with the contact details as confirmation that the contact was added. 


Additionally, any CRM connection that you have will also be prompted to open a browser tab for your CRM connection to reflect that the new contact has been added in the CRM as well. AddContact8