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A Catch-Up with Our Friends from nexVortex

Written by George Bardissi | May 12, 2016 1:00:00 PM

While in town, I was able to swing by and vist our friends from Nexvortex and take a tour of the new office space.

Nexvortex recently moved into a new larger office space in Herndon, VA. I have had many oppurunities to visit the last office and it was almost filled to the brim the last go around.

Here are some photos from my visit:



I had a chance to chat with Nexvortex's CEO, Wes Rogers and there is a lot of new things coming down the pipe soon. 

Stay turned for an upcoming BVoIP / Nexvortex partner webinar where we can learn about how we can enhance the customer experience with soon to be available Nexvortex options!