End User Management

Unlocking User Accounts in 1Stream

This article will provide a walkthrough on unlocking user accounts in 1Stream.

When a user has attempted to log into 1Stream too many times incorrectly, the user will become locked. Only a 1Stream Admin for your organization will be able to unlock the account. 

Unlocking a 1Stream User

  1. Log into the 1Stream Portal.
  2. Go to the Administration menu.
  3. Choose the Manage Organization option. The page will refresh.
  4. Scroll down to the CRM User Mappings section.
  5. Click on the affected user name. The Edit a User pop-up will appear. UU2
  6. Scroll down to Status. The Locked option will be selected.UU4
  7. Click on the Active button. 
  8. Click the Save button.

The user will immediately be unlocked.