
Signal Features Overview

This article will provide a walkthrough on the various features of Signal.

1Stream Level Feature Notice

This feature is available for only Engage level 1Stream users and up. If you would like this feature to be available, then please reach out to your bvoip Sales Representative to upgrade user licensing. 

Activation Notice

If you would like to start using Signal features and are on the engage 1Stream plan, please reach out to support to activate Signal for use. 

Voicemail Monitoring

The Voicemail Monitoring feature of Signal allows for notifications to be sent out to a designated list of users for a scheduled time and set extension that receives voicemails. 

More information about the setup on Signal's Voicemail Monitoring feature can be found in the Voicemail Monitoring Signal Setup article

Queue Change Scheduling

The Queue Change Scheduling feature of Signal allows for extension users to be moved in and out of designated call queues on a set schedule.

More information about the setup on Signal's Queue Change Scheduling feature can be found in the Queue Change Signal Setup article

Auto Logout Threshold

The Auto Logout Threshold feature of Signal allows for call queues to have a threshold set for missed calls before being removed from the call queues and having a set user notified. 

More information about the setup on Signal's Auto Logout Threshold feature can be found in the Auto Logout in 1Stream article