General Provisioning

MPP Device Management

This article will provide a walkthrough on how to manage devices through the MPP integration with the bvoip phone system.

Managing Devices

If you have a phone that is provisioned with the MPP integration, advances in the integration now make it easier to find information on the provisioned device as well as removing and syncing it. 

Where to Manage

  1. Log into the bvoip phone system.
  2. Go to the Extensions menu.
  3. Select the Devices submenu option.

The Icons

When a phone is provisioned, three icons will appear to the right of the device.MPP1-4

  • Sync Device - This button will sync the device with the Managed Provisioning Portal (MPP) for provisioning. 
  • Device Information - This button will open a pop-up screen that will provide the manufacturer, model, provisioning state, firmware version, zero touch functionality status, IP and last provision date and time. 
  • Delete Device - This button will delete the device from the phone system instantly. This is the best practice to use when moving one or a few devices to another phone system. 

Disabling and Removing Devices at the Extension

If a device is deleted at the extension or the MPP Enable setting is set to No for an extension, it takes 24 hours to remove the device from the backend.