Admin User Functions

Marked Titles in 1Stream

This article will provide a walkthrough on how to add marked titles in the 1Stream admin portal.

Why Use Marked Titles and Territories? 

This functionality in 1Stream makes it where VIP clients can be identified clearly by your agents. The titles and territories that are listed in these sections of 1Stream are highlighted in a red box that flashes, making sure that important contacts with those titles are recognized faster. 

How to Mark a Title

  1. Log into the 1Stream Portal.
  2. Go to the Administration menu.
  3. Choose the Manage Organization option. The page will refresh.
  4. Scroll down to the Marked Titles section.MT1-2
  5. Click on the green circled plus sign. The Add New Marked Contact Title pop-up will appear. MT1-4
  6. Select the desired titled from the drop-down. The titles that appear in the drop-down will come from the integration setup under the CRM Settings section. 
  7. Click the Save button. These steps can be repeated as needed to add more marked titles.