Admin User Functions

Changing Passwords in the 1Stream Portal

This article will provide a walkthrough on how Administrative Users can change passwords for their end users.

Changing Passwords in the 1Stream Portal

  1. Log into the 1Stream Portal.
  2. Go to the Administration menu.
  3. Choose the Manage Organization option. The page will refresh.
  4. Scroll down to the CRM User Settings section.
  5. Select the desired username that needs the password change by clicking on it. The Edit a User pop-up will appear. PWR1-1
  6. Scroll down to the Update Password section. 
  7. In the Password field, input the new desired password. 
  8. In the Verify Password field, re-input the new desired password. 
  9. Click the Save button. 

It is recommended to issue the 1Stream welcome email for that user to ensure that the new password is received securely. For information on how to issue a 1Stream welcome email, please see our Sending Welcome Emails in 1Stream article