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So you’re an IT/MSP and worried about offering Cloud VoIP. We’ve got you covered!

Written by George Bardissi | Jun 30, 2015 6:46:00 AM

You have probably thought about offering VoIP, Phones, Communications, or something close to that arena for a while now but in your mind didn’t want to or couldn’t figure out why you should. You couldn’t cost justify adding more infrastructure, staff, or an influx of customer tickets to your organization. Instead, you either use a “phone guy” and outsource this stuff or you simply don’t touch it at all and leave it up to your customer to do whatever they are going to do.

You always wanted a powerful, well-equipped VoIP phone system, or Cloud hosted PBX but it was simply never a priority. Now there is an answer! A Cloud PBX is not only a reliable and easy to manage, it is also cost efficient and since we do a lot of the heavy lifting for you it requires no specialized IT staff to maintain. That’s right! If your existing staff can figure managing Active Directory or Office 365 they can handle VoIP. Why not take a look and see if adding this to your IT or MSP stack makes sense.

Here’s a closer look at the advantages of a Cloud PBX:

Maintenance Made Simple

Contrary to proprietary on-premises phone system, Cloud PBX has a computer-based architecture that is operated and maintained by a third party vendor. As such, you needn’t worry about replacing costly hardware or complicated copper wiring associated with traditional telephony. Due to the hosted PBX’s cloud-based infrastructure, if your customers’ needs to scale up or scale down its easy.


You may run into customers that may already have an existing investment in open ended sip devices like Polycom, Cisco, etc. If they are stuck on the idea of having to purchase new handsets then tell them they can re-use them!

Easy to Manage

Cloud PBX is simple to install and manage even when you don’t have dedicated techs to just handle phone specific tasks. As well, you’ll never need to worry about downtime for installation or updates as your cloud provider will do so for you. As such, you can seamlessly integrate Cloud PBX into your IT or MSP business offering without disrupting your productivity.

You can cross building expensive infrastructure or leaving money on the table off of your to-do list, add Cloud PBX to your lineup today!