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How to Prepare for Cloud Telephony - Ask the Right Questions

Written by George Bardissi | Aug 19, 2015 2:30:00 AM

Cloud PBX is becoming a viable business communications solution for many organizations for many reasons. The most fundamental one being that, since Cloud PBX is managed by a third party, companies do not have to expend their own internal resources to install, maintain and update the phone system. There’s no need for a company to invest time, money or personnel in setting up the system, or to hire in-house people to maintain it.

A virtual phone system also keeps pace with today’s business needs. Cloud PBX is simple to learn and use, so employees can enjoy the new phone system immediately, with little training to undergo or learning curve to surmount. Cloud PBX also enables the remote access and long-distance calling needed to provide the mobility and global reach that drives business success today.

Since Cloud PBX offers so many benefits for businesses, it is in high demand, which has drawn a multitude of service providers to the field. As you investigate Cloud PBX providers, be sure to ask them the following questions to ensure that you invest wisely in a system that puts your business needs first and foremost:

What are your security measures?

Since Cloud PBX systems use VoIP technology, they can be vulnerable to attacks. This can result in damage to both companies’ finances and reputations, particularly in those industries with strict compliance standards regarding the handling of personal identifying information. Ensure your Cloud PBX provider follows airtight security measures for its mobility and communications features. Endpoint devices that have access to the hosted PBX system should be protected with multiple authentication features and passwords. Investigate how the PBX service provider performs security checks to ensure that unauthorized users aren’t accessing the system, and find out what measures the vendor has in place to detect and manage threats should they occur.

Will this transition negatively impact my business continuity?

Find out how your potential Cloud PBX provider will implement the system and what assurances it can provide that the transition to a fully hosted solution will proceed at a comfortable pace for your company. The transition to Cloud PBX should not affect business continuity if your service provider follows a gradual transition plan. This will enable you to choose which applications and features you’d like to remain on-premises or in the cloud until you’re ready to make the leap to a fully hosted solution. When your company first comes on board with a hosted solution, it should be easy to learn and manage through a Web-based interface that is intuitive and user-friendly. That way, employees don’t have to take time out of their regular work schedules to learn the system.

Can I scale my phone system easily if I need to?

As your business grows and changes, your phone system needs to keep pace without any break in continuity of service. Ideally, you will be able to simply let your Cloud PBX provider know when more features are needed or when you need to add more phone lines. Then, the provider should make those changes seamlessly, while maintaining call quality and the other features on which you depend.

Cloud PBX holds many benefits for businesses, but not all providers are created equal. Ask smart questions to ensure that you invest in the right hosted solution.