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BVoIP Rolls Out New Partner Portal Support Mobile App Via DeskDirector

Written by George Bardissi | Mar 10, 2016 8:41:00 AM

This is our third installment of new partner access to BVoIP’s support team and partner portal.

If you missed some of our earlier announcements, please see:

BVoIP Rolls Out New Partner Portal with DeskDirector

BVoIP Rolls Out New Status Up-Time & Maintenance Portal with


As of this past week, our friends over at DeskDirector of released a mobile app called IT Now! Here is a peek from DeskDirector’s blog on how it all works (edited for BVoIP partners)!!

Your support team can’t always be at their desktop computer when issues occur.

Accessibility and convenience is our goal and we here at BVoIP feel this provides yet another avenue to do exactly that.

With the app, BVoIP partners can add, view and process tickets on the run. Approvals and notifications are a natural fit for mobile. So we have added approvals and notifications.

Notifications are iPhone native so the app doesn't need to be running to receive them.

There are some cool mobile-aware features as well. There’s a call-support button that dials the BVoIP support line number (since we always recommend BVoIP partners contact us via a phone call to begin with).

Users can take photos and add them to a ticket. Users can record audio and add it to a ticket. Users can use the iPhone’s built in dictation to dictate a ticket (Pro tip – dictation on the iPhone is very robust)

BVoIP are now able to download this app like any other iPhone app. In the Appstore the app is called “IT Now!” and published by DeskDirector. (DeskDirector chose “IT Now!” as a nicer purpose-describing and generic name of the app.)

Search DeskDirector in the AppStore. This app is TOTALLY FREE so don’t be afraid to give it a go! The very first time you try to login it will prompt you for:





Who is your IT Provider? Enter their sub-domain and we’ll do the rest: You would enter bvoip in that field and press NEXT












You will then see the BVoIP logo and it will ask you for your email address. Go ahead and enter your email and press send token.















Check your email account and you will have a randomly generate code.













Copy and paste this code into the app and it will let you in. Note that this is only needed one-time and you won’t have to constantly re-quest a token every time you try to log into the app.







Please also note that not everything that is available in the app that is currently available web version of the BVoIP partner portal @ such as anything we list on the “Resources & Tools Menu”.

All-in-all this is an awesome step forward so bravo to the DeskDirector team for the first version of this mobile app!