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BVoIP TIP: A Work Around to Recording Calls That Are Being Forwarded

Written by George Bardissi | Mar 29, 2017 11:19:57 PM

When asking the question if it is possible to record forwarded calls through the phone system the vanilla response is it is NOT possible. However, there is a work around that can be implemented to actually do this! 



  • Setup a new extension or modify an extension extension. On the general tab put your outside number in the "mobile number field"

  • Go to the forwarding rules of the same extension and under the Available or Available 2 status check the box that says "Ring my extension and mobile phone at the same time"

  • Make sure under the option tab that record all calls in enabled

  • Press Apply and OK

  • Make a call to that extension from an outside number and have it ring through to the outside number you provided in the mobile phone field.
  • Go back and check your recordings and you will find one for that call!

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