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BVoIP and IT Glue...Glueing together great SaaS Solutions

Written by Sade Mendez | Apr 5, 2016 11:28:52 PM

In an industry filled with so many solutions it is awesome to find solutions that partner together so well.

When the IT Glue team began to expand, we needed to look for a great phone system that would support the ever increasing call volumes of the business and would take into account the global span of the team. We had to look no further than our great friends at BVoiP.

BVoiP offers a comprehensive cloud based PBX systems that has been designed specifically with MSP/IT providers needs in mind. It offers a fully featured phone system which includes unified communications, clients for smartphones and desktops and broad client support. 

We are excited to now return the favor and provide BVoiP with a platform to house all the training documentation for their solution. 

Why BVoIP chose IT Glue: Our talk with CEO George Bardissi

You know they say things like “why re-invent the wheel” and “there is nothing new under the sun”? Until recently we were using a number of things that scattered our information including

  • Google Docs
  • Office365 One Drive
  • ConnectWise configurations
  • Notepad
  • Excel files
  • Email
  • Slack via one-off file shares
  • FTP Directories

As our business continues to rapidly expand we realized that we needed a solution that would scale with our success. Something that would allow us to consolidate all our internal standard operating procedures, show articles, manuals and infrastructure information. A solution that we could ultimately share with our partners directly.

The Answer:

We had to look no further than our Friends at IT Glue, they had clearly developed a revolutionary platform that has taken documentation management to the next level!

We are excited to start working with the  IT Glue team to start our documentation journey. Watch closely as we work to bring our partner facing documentation to our Partner Portal via IT Glue!!